
Characteristics States
Plant: Anthocyanin colouration of hypocotyl Absent
Plant: Branching pattern Semi-spreading  (30o-60o) 
Time of flowering Medium (91-130 days)
Medium (91-130 days) Indeterminate
Stem : Colour Green
Leaf: Shape Oblong
Leaf: Pubescence on lower surface of the leaf Absent
Flower: Colour of base
of petal (standard)
Flower: pattern of
streaks on petal (Standard)
Pod: Colour Green with purple streaks
Pod: Pubescence Absent
Pod: Waxiness Absent
Pod: Surface stickiness Absent
Pod: Constriction Slight
Pod: Size 4-5 cm
Pod: No. of seeds 2
Plant: Height Medium (100-150 cm)
Seed: Colour Cream
Seed: Colour pattern Uniform
Seed: Shape Globular
Seed: Size (100 seed weight) Medium (7-9g)